Monday January 26, 2009 - 03:37:59
Shaafici Muxyidiin
LAUSANNE, January 26, 2009 - There are only three days left for AIPS member National Associations to submit motions, proposals and candidature for the 2009 election congress to be held in Milan, Italy.

The 72nd congress will take place at the Marriott Hotel from April 29 - May 3. Nominations for positions on the Executive Committee, as well as proposal and motions may only be submitted by the National Associations and Executive Committee Members, according to the AIPS Statutes, By-Law 2.3.

Please note that all motions, proposals and candidature for the Executive Committee must be received by AIPS at its official e-mail address  (this e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you will need JavaScript enabled to view it); or by mail to the AIPS Headquarters (AIPS Avenue de Rhodanie, 54 CH-1007 Lausanne, Suisse), written in one of the official languages (French, English and Spanish) three months prior to the first day of the Congress, that is before midnight (CET) January 29, 2009.

If the documents are not received by the Secretariat before the deadline they will be considered to be late and void (By-Law 2.3). If you do not receive a confirmation of receipt from the AIPS Office within 3 days please ask for a receipt. (Phone: +41 21 601 39 80)

The congress will be hosted by USSI, the Italian Sports Journalists' Association with the assistance of Studio Ghiretti.

Government has stepped up to enthusiastically back the congress with assistance from the Federal Government, the Lombardy Region, Milan Municipality and Milan Province.

Among the partners that have promptly joined to support the congress are important institutions including the Italian National Olympic Committee (CONI), and sports organizations such as the Italian Soccer Federation, the Monza Racing Circuit and prestigious international companies, Ferrero and Technogym.

For more information please visit the Congress website which at this stage contains the Official Invitation, Application Form, and  the list of nations which are required to apply for visas to enter Italy.

Congress delegates requiring visas are urged to make application to the relevant diplomatic missions as soon as possible.

Milan Marriott Hotel

Source: AIPS Website

Somali football press department


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